Comedy Central has announced that renowned franchise “South Park” will celebrate its 25th Anniversary (series premiere: August 13, 1997) this summer with “South Park: The 25th Anniversary Concert” at the iconic Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre. The concert, with Trey Parker and Matt Stone, Primus and Ween, takes place on Wednesday, August 10. Fans can […]
Tag: primus
PRIMUS Announces ‘A Tribute to Kings Tour,’ Will Perform Rush’s Classic ‘A Farewell to Kings’ In Its Entirety!
Primus will pay homage to prog-rock legends Rush this summer with A Tribute to Kings, a cross-country tour that will feature the Bay Area trio playing Rush’s classic 1977 album A Farewell to Kings in its entirety, in addition to their own music. “A little over one year ago, Ler Lalonde and I started kicking the idea around of Primus performing […]
Louder Than Life 2018: Lineup Announced For World’s Largest Rock ‘N’ Roll Whiskey Festival
A massive music lineup led by Nine Inch Nails, Avenged Sevenfold, Godsmack and Deftones has been announced for the 5th annual Louder Than Life, as the World’s Largest Rock ‘N’ Roll Whiskey Festival expands to three days — Friday, September 28, Saturday, September 29, and Sunday, September 30 — at Champions Park in Louisville, KY. […]