The hit cooking reality series Fast Foodies, is set for a special nine-week, ten-episode run on Food Network beginning Thursday, April 13, 2023. The series will premiere with back-to-back episodes at 9:30PM and 10:00PM ET/PT, kicking off with celebrity guests Joel McHale and Jesse Tyler Ferguson bringing their fast-food cravings to chefs and hosts Kristen […]
Tag: Jeremy Ford
“Fast Foodies” Returns For Mouthwatering Second Season In January On truTV!
truTV is cooking up savory guilty pleasure eats for the second season of the hit cooking reality series, “Fast Foodies,” returning on Thursday, January 27, 2022. The 12-episode season brings a raucous slew of fresh celebrity guests with fast food cravings, including Jesse Tyler Ferguson (“Modern Family”) Nikki Glaser (“ FBOY ISLAND”), Reggie Watts (“The Late […]