“Angel of Vengeance” by Trevor O. Munson, the inspiration for CBS TV series “Moonlight,” features Los Angeles private investigator Mick Angel, who is hired by a seductive, figure-8 burlesque dancer to find her missing little sister. Did I mention Mick’s a vampire? Of course his investigation is not simple, as it soon is complicated by […]
Tag: book review
Book Review: ‘Secrets of Dragon Gate’ by Dr. Steven Liu and Jonathan Blank
“Secrets of Dragon Gate” by Dr. Steven Liu and Jonathan Blank features guidance and lessons on ancient Taoist practices for physical and mental health, acquiring wealth and the art of sexual yoga. The book begins with an overview of the 700-year-old tradition of Dragon Gate Taoism, which revolves around turning the body into a spiritual […]
Book Review: Breaking up with Elmore Leonard – ‘Djibouti’
Page 114 of Elmore Leonard’s latest novel “Djibouti.” I’m not highlighting this page number because it’s where the novel reached a thrilling turning point or where I earmarked the top corner, as I often do after reading an inspiring phrase I want to remember. It’s where I quit, straining through one last sentence before hesitating, then sighing and […]
Book Review: Janet Evanovich’s ‘Sizzling Sixteen’
Maybe it’s because I burned my brain cells on the likes of T.S. Eliot and James Joyce as an English major, but I prefer reading books that are enjoyable while also not serious, or “light reading.” That’s not to say I dislike fine literature; I just don’t want to spend what little free time I […]
Review: Mark Danielewski’s ‘House of Leaves’
Mark Danielewski’s ‘House of Leaves’ Review by: Jennifer Smith There was already a cult following of Mark Danielewski‘s book when it was released on the internet chapter by chapter, then the chapters stopped and what followed was a unconventional novel that is best described by not molding into any genre of reading. There is a […]