“Angel of Vengeance” by Trevor O. Munson, the inspiration for CBS TV series “Moonlight,” features Los Angeles private investigator Mick Angel, who is hired by a seductive, figure-8 burlesque dancer to find her missing little sister. Did I mention Mick’s a vampire? Of course his investigation is not simple, as it soon is complicated by […]
Reviews from Icon Vs. Icon
Book Review: ‘Johnny Depp: A Kind of Illusion’ By Denis Meikle
In Denis Meikle’s fully revised and updated bestselling biography, “Johnny Depp: A Kind of Illusion,” the film historian charts the heartthrob’s life thus far. Every aspect of Depp’s past is discussed, from his modest beginnings growing up in Kentucky to his teen idol success on “21 Jump Street” to his decades-long movie career. Although he […]
Book Review: ‘Secrets of Dragon Gate’ by Dr. Steven Liu and Jonathan Blank
“Secrets of Dragon Gate” by Dr. Steven Liu and Jonathan Blank features guidance and lessons on ancient Taoist practices for physical and mental health, acquiring wealth and the art of sexual yoga. The book begins with an overview of the 700-year-old tradition of Dragon Gate Taoism, which revolves around turning the body into a spiritual […]
Book Review: Director Vincent Rocca’s “Rebel Without a Deal”
Vincent Rocca’s “Rebel Without a Deal (Or How a 30-year-old Filmmaker with $11,000 Almost Became a Hollywood Player),” is a tell-all account of the making of his first film, “Kisses & Caroms.” The book is an obvious take on screenwriter and director Robert Rodriguez’s “Rebel Without a Crew (Or How a 23-year-old Filmmaker With $7,000 […]
Review: ‘Dark Days of the Supernatural’ Series – Part Four
Claudia Gray’s New York Times bestselling Evernight vampire series continues with its fourth book, “Afterlife,” concluding the romantic and dark adventures of Bianca and Lucas. The lovers must learn to deal with their new existence: Lucas as vampire and Bianca a ghostly wraith. Although Lucas spent much of his human life hunting and despising the […]
Review: ‘Dark Days of the Supernatural’ Series – Part Three
The third book in Harper Collins’ Dark Days of the Supernatural series is “Angelfire,” the debut novel by Courtney Allison Moulton and first volume in a triology. For the most part Ellie is a normal high schooler who enjoys hanging out with a close-knit group of friends, going to the movies and shopping. Upon meeting […]
Review: ‘Dark Days of the Supernatural’ Series – Part One
Harper Collins recently announced the release of The Dark Days of the Supernatural series — five new books featuring mysterious tales of paranormal romance and the supernatural. The lineup features “Once in a Full Moon” by Ellen Schreiber, “Unearthly” by Cynthia Hand, “Angelfire” by Courtney Allison Moulton, “Afterlife” by Claudia Gray and “Desire of the […]
Book Review: Breaking up with Elmore Leonard – ‘Djibouti’
Page 114 of Elmore Leonard’s latest novel “Djibouti.” I’m not highlighting this page number because it’s where the novel reached a thrilling turning point or where I earmarked the top corner, as I often do after reading an inspiring phrase I want to remember. It’s where I quit, straining through one last sentence before hesitating, then sighing and […]
Retro Review: Joe Dante’s 1978 Cult Classic ‘Piranha’
Fresh off the success of Steven Spielberg’s 1975 blockbuster ‘Jaws,’ many producers rushed low budget rip-offs to theaters in order to capitalize off the now famous ocean horror story. It was this atmosphere that created some of film’s less than finer moments. Audiences were pounded over the head with such fine cinema as ‘Mako: The […]