Director Matty Beckerman discusses his directorial debut with the terrifying flick ‘Alien Abduction’.
Pop Culture News
The latest news from the world’s of film, television and beyond!
REVIEW: Watch Jesse Ventura’s ‘Off The Grid’ and Drive Friends Mad!
There are four things most likely to be the root cause of a friendship that breaks apart, and those four things are money, sex, religion and politics. Three of those four topics suck ass… wait… maybe that’s a bad way to put it, but I think you know what I mean. Chances are you’ve experienced […]
MISTAKEN FOR STRANGERS: Matt and Tom Berninger On The Making of the Film
The Brothers Berninger discuss the making of their powerful documentary ‘Mistaken For Strangers.’
DARK HOUSE: Tobin Bell and Charles Agron Discuss Their Terrifying Creation!
Get a glimpse inside the world of ‘Dark House’ with Tobin Bell and co-writer Charles Agron.
SHATTERING THE MOLD: Producer Adi Shankar Offers A Glimpse Inside His World!
Adi Shankar talks his past, present and very bright future in the ever-changing movie industry.
Melanie Papalia Discusses Her Career And Breakout Role In ‘The Den’
Melanie Papalia discusses her career evolution, the making of ‘The Den’ and much more!
Director Zachary Donohue Offers A Glimpse Inside ‘The Den’
Director Zachary Donohue discusses the challenges of bringing the horrors of ‘The Den’ to life!
Rock Doc Review: Don Argott’s ‘As the Palaces Burn: Lamb of God’
What started as a documentary about the fans of Lamb of God, a documentary only Lamb of God’s fans would ever want to watch, turned into a documentary that followed the band’s singer Randy Blythe as he is forced to examine cultural differences and pursue justice in the Czech Republic. These lessons changed the lives of […]
Mastering The Game: Barry Floyd On ‘The Game’ And His Upcoming Projects!
Barry Floyd drops by to discuss his career, exciting new projects and new season of ‘The Game’.