Laura Vandervoort on her unique career, artistic evolution, breakout role on ‘Bitten’ and much more!
Pop Culture News
The latest news from the world’s of film, television and beyond!
FROM NOISE COMES CHAOS: Linkin Park’s Joe Hahn On His Directorial Debut!
Linkin Park’s Joe Hahn offers a look inside the creative process for his powerful directorial debut, ‘Mall.’
MEET JOE LYNCH: The Director On His Career, Evolution And Bright Future!
Director Joe Lynch on his unique career path, artistic evolution, bringing ‘Everly’ to screen and more!
NEVER SAY DIE: ‘The Goonies’ 30th Anniversary Celebration To Take Place In Historic Astoria, Oregon
It’s hard to believe but one of the most iconic film of our youths is turning 30! Eager to relive one of the most beloved coming-of-age stories of the 1980s, fans will flock to historic Astoria, Oregon to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the cult classic film The Goonies. The celebration is set for June 4-7, 2015. […]
CHASING LIFE: Haley Ramm On Her Blossoming Career And Breakout Role!
Haley Ramm on her unique career, evolution as an actor, breakout role on ‘Chasing Life’ and more!
Shifting Into High Gear: Munro Chambers Talks Career, ‘Turbo Kid’ And More!
Munro Chambers on his blossoming career, breakout role in ‘Turbo Kid,’ philanthropy and much more!
THE SPIRIT OF ROCK: Eddie Trunk On His Career, ‘That Metal Show’ And More!
Eddie Trunk on his career, the impact of changes in the music industry on rock journalism and more!
NOT BAD FOR A HUMAN: Lance Henriksen On His Career, Longevity And More!
Lance Henriksen on his unique career, evolution as an actor, role in “Monday at 11:01 AM” and more!
MAN OF THE HOUR: Phillip P. Keene On His Career, ‘Major Crimes’ and More!
Phillip P. Keene discusses his unique career path, evolution as an actor, ‘Major Crimes’ and much more!