Pop Culture News

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Pick of The Week, Pop Culture News, Reviews

Soft Surroundings Brings New Store And Personal Touch To Historic Annapolis, Maryland

To many fans of fashion, home and lifestyles brands, Soft Surroundings is already a household name but to the few who are just discovering it’s magic, it soon will be a destination they cherish. Icon Vs. Icon was recently invited to a special grand opening preview of their just launched store, located inside the Westfield Mall, in historic […]

Pick of The Week, Pop Culture News, Reviews

Blu-ray Review: Rediscovering Tim Kincaid’s Cult Classic ‘Breeders’ (1986)

“Fearing that their city is the target of a serial rapist, Manhattan Detective Dale Androtti (Lance Lewman, Riot On 42nd Street) finds an unlikely ally in Dr. Gamble Pace (Teresa Farley, Bad Girls Dormitory) when they are teamed up to investigate the brutal crimes. Their suspicions, unbelievable as they may seem, will lead them to […]

Friday The 13th Boobs
Celebrity Interviews, Pop Culture News

LEGENDARY RACKS: The Top 12 Boobs of The ‘Friday The 13th’ Franchise!

Earlier this year, Jeremy Morrison of the Acid Pop Cult Podcast (www.acidpopcult.com) sat down to pound out (sorry for the pun) one of the most controversial lists ever created — ‘The Top 12 Boobs of The Friday The 13th Series.’ As Halloween rapidly approaches, we figured we would revisit the list and provide you with some “eye candy” for […]