Jonathan Bennett on his unique career, becoming an action star in”Submerged” and much more!
Pop Culture News
The latest news from the world’s of film, television and beyond!
BREAKING THROUGH: Steven C. Miller On ‘Submerged’ and His Artistic Evolution
Director Steven C. Miller on his career, creative evolution, making of ‘Submerged’ and much more!
MOMENTUM: Stephen S. Campanelli On His Epic Career and Directorial Debut
Director Stephen S. Campanelli on his career, evolution and directorial debut with “Momentum.”
BAD ROOMIES: Patrick Renna, Tommy Savas & Jason Schnell On Their New Film!
Patrick Renna, Tommy Savas and Jason Schnell talk the making of their dark comedy, ‘Bad Roomies.’
Blu-ray Review: Celebrating The 25th Anniversary of “Shock ‘Em Dead” Starring Traci Lords
This week, Jeremy Morrison takes us back in time for a look at a classic horror flick from 1990 — “SHOCK ‘EM DEAD.’ Here’s a quick rundown of the synopsis of the Olive Films release. Disclaimer: Shock ‘Em Dead is presented using the best available elements provided by Slasher // Video. Not sourced from an HD Master; remastered from […]
Blu-ray Review: Flashback to The 80s With ‘Killer Workout’ (A.K.A. Aerobicide)
This week, our reside horror geek and aficionado of edge, Jeremy Morrison, takes a look at a cult classic — KILLER WORKOUT (A.K.A. AEROBI-CIDE) 1986. First, let’s take a walk down memory lane with a quick synopsis: Disclaimer: Killer Workout is presented using the best available elements provided by Slasher // Video. Not sourced from […]
Soft Surroundings Brings New Store And Personal Touch To Historic Annapolis, Maryland
To many fans of fashion, home and lifestyles brands, Soft Surroundings is already a household name but to the few who are just discovering it’s magic, it soon will be a destination they cherish. Icon Vs. Icon was recently invited to a special grand opening preview of their just launched store, located inside the Westfield Mall, in historic […]
KILLIN’ IT: Iliza Shlesinger Talks Comedy, Career, “Separation Anxiety” And More!
Comedian Iliza Shlesinger on her career, creative evolution, upcoming projects and much more!
DREAMBOATS: The Hottest Hunks On Elm Street
Another Halloween has come and gone, leaving you with a wicked case of the bloody booze blues, no doubt. But fear not, sweet reader, as November 1st 2015 marks a milestone in one of horror’s most beloved franchises. “A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge” turns 30 years old! I personally achieved this milestone […]