Author: Jason Price


Review: ‘Mr. Thundermug’ by Cornelius Medvei

“Mr. Thundermug is a baboon Mr. Thundermug has a luxuriant mane of silvery hair? Mr. Thundermug has an unsettling mastery of speech” Those are the words surrounding an aged photo of a silver-haired baboon who’s wearing a fez and smoking jacket while puffing on a pipe. If that can coax a grin out of you […]

Music News

Van Halen: ‘Assteroidz: Diamond Dave Edition’

The Van Halen News Desk reports: You will love this! Someone has created a Van Halen video game that you can play right on your computer. It?s a variation on the classic Asteroids, done in an endearing version that features David Lee Roth and Van Halen imagery and sound. It?s called the ?Diamond Dave Edition? […]


Review: Mark Danielewski’s ‘House of Leaves’

Mark Danielewski’s ‘House of Leaves’ Review by: Jennifer Smith There was already a cult following of Mark Danielewski‘s book when it was released on the internet chapter by chapter, then the chapters stopped and what followed was a unconventional novel that is best described by not molding into any genre of reading. There is a […]

Pick of The Week, Pop Culture News

Pick of The Week: Pineapple Express

This weeks’ Pick of The Week is a can’t miss! The latest bro-mance from team Apatow (the guys who brought us?Superbad,?Knocked Up and?The 40-Year-Old Virgin),?Pineapple Express is the story of Dale Denton (Seth Rogan) and Saul Silver (James Franco), a pothead and his dealer who accidently get caught up in a drug war between two […]