Before embarking on his upcoming tour, iconic actor/musician Corey Feldman will be releasing his music digitally for the first time ever. The release features 50 never released songs in digital format including a remixed and remastered version of Coreyās 1st album Love Left, on the eve of its 30th anniversary. Additionally, there will be fifteen never released rarities, demos, songs from the soundtracks of Feldmanās classic movies, and live performances.
The release will also include Coreyoke Cabaret, instrumental versions of some of Coreyās classic songs throughout the years. Also included is Coreyās new album in nearly 8 years, the sequel LOVE LEFT 2: ARM ME WITH LOVE. The new album features hits Feeling Funky (Numix), ROCKIN Revolution, top 20 Billboard hit U R Free, viral sensation COMEBACK KING (Feat Curtis Young) the tribute DREAM A LITTLE DREAM 30 (feat Mickey Thomas), & the new hit single WITHOUT U, which is a tribute to Feldmanās wife Courtney.
Coreyās music will be available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music and all major streaming services sometime this week, but Corey is keeping the actual date a surprise. Feldman advises fans to keep checking their preferred streaming and DL platforms, as this exciting release could drop at any time.
Feldman states āThis exciting drop of brand new and never released music spanning almost 30 years of work, is the most exciting release Iāve ever done as it embodies so many years of hard work with so many talented artists and creators working alongside me. I decided to speed up the digital release & do it now as a surprise for my fans attending the Love Re-Tours Concerts.Ā I wanted more fans, who may not be ready to purchase a $250 box, to be able to stream any parts of LOVE Left 2.1 including LOVE Left 2: Arm Me With Love so that they have a chance to hear all the new songs ahead of time so they can sing along
Feldmanās upcoming Love Retours (22 + A Few In 22) Concert Tour, kicks off on August 17 in Tempe, Arizona and runs through September 18. You can check out the complete list of Corey Feldmanās Love Retours tour dates below and for tickets, special packages, meet and greet information, merch and additional updates, please head to
Aug 17 ā The Marquee -Tempe, AZ
Aug 18 ā Rail Club Live
Aug 20 ā Santa Carla Summer Weekend ā CONVENTION/SIGNING APPEARANCE ONLY
Aug 21 ā Santa Carla Summer ā San Antonio, TX
Aug 24 ā King of Clubs ā Columbus, OH
Aug 25 ā Piereās Entertainment Center ā Ft. Wayne, IN
Aug 26 ā Brauer House ā Lombard, IL
Aug 27 ā Hobart Art Theater ā Hobart, IN
Aug 28 ā Token Lounge ā Westland, MI
Aug 30 ā Hard Rock ā Pittsburgh, PA
Sept 1 ā Granite State Music Hall ā Laconia, NH
Sept 2 ā The Stafford Palace Theater ā Stafford Springs, CT
Sept 3 ā Reverb ā Reading, PA
Sept 4 ā Colony ā Woodstock, NY
Sept 6 ā Capital Arts Center ā Bowling Green, KY
Sept 7 ā Headliners Music Hall ā Louisville, KY
Sept 8 ā Wildey Theater ā Edwardsville, IL
Sept 9 ā Hard Rock Casino ā Sioux City, IA
Sept 10 ā The Venue ā Denver, CO
Sept 11 ā Liquid Joeās ā Salt Lake City, UT
Sept 13 ā The Coach House ā San Juan Capistrano, CA
Sept 14 ā Goldfield Trading Post ā Sacramento, CA
Sept 16 ā The Canyon ā Montclair, CA
Sept 17 ā The Canyon ā Agoura Hills, CA
Sept 18 ā The Canyon ā Santa Clarita, CA
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