Ahead of The Walking Dead Season 11 Part 1 finale this Sunday on AMC, the network announced today a Season 11 Part 2 return on Sunday, February 20, 2022 at 9 pm ET/8c with eight new episodes.
New episodes will continue to be available one week early on AMC+, beginning Sunday, February 13. As previously announced, the final eight episodes of Season 11’s massive 24-episode arc will air later in 2022.
AMC also released a new promo for Season 11 Part 2, which you can check out below!
This February, The Walking Dead returns with many of our heroes fighting imminent hellfire under Reaper attack; while others battle Mother Nature’s torrential wrath in Alexandria. For all, their world is literally crashing down around them. Meanwhile, life in the Commonwealth is not as idyllic as it seems. For some, hope will be renewed. Others will be pushed past the point of no return. One truth holds tight: Lives hang in the balance with each decision drastically changing their future, their chances of survival, and the state of each community.
In Sunday’s Season 11 Part 1 finale episode, titled “For Blood,” written by Erik Mountain and directed by Sharat Raju, the Reapers defend Meridian from an incoming herd. Pope suspects Maggie is behind the attack, while Daryl treads carefully. Meanwhile, Alexandrians scramble to protect themselves when a violent storm leaves them vulnerable to walkers.
Produced by AMC Studios and based on the comic book series written by Robert Kirkman and published by Image Comics, The Walking Dead has shattered ratings records over ten seasons and remains the #1 series on basic cable for the 12th consecutive year, among A25-54 in L+3 viewing.

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