Hot on the heels of their awesome breakdown of the legendary Monster Cereals from General Mills, Garrett Sawaia and the Born 2 Be Rad crew, take a stab at the Monster Cereal Mash-ups that launched in 2021! From Count Chocula Mini Treats to Frankenberry Fruit Rollups and beyond, there is clearly no stopping these die-hard pop culture fanatics! They leave no stone unturned in their quest for snacking excellence.
Fans can check out their recent review of General Mills Monster Cereals, which includes the frighteningly delicious Monster Mash, at this location or on the Born 2 Be Rad YouTube Channel!
Keep your eyes peeled for these sugary doses of nostalgia in your local stores!
The Monster Cereals debuted in 1971 with the introduction of Count Chocula and Franken Berry. Boo Berry was the next cereal to join the lineup, in 1973. Frute Brute (formerly Fruit Brute) was introduced in 1974 but was discontinued in 1982. Fruity Yummy Mummy was the last product to join the portfolio, debuting in 1988. It was discontinued in 1992. General Mills eventually brought all five cereals together for a limited time in 2013.
To mark the launch, the brand commissioned a remake of the song “Monster Mash,” which is available on Spotify, and a mockumentary about the making of the song. In addition, General Mills has teamed with pop culture product manufacturer Funko for a series of collectibles, per a company blog post.
Keep your eyes peeled for this sugary dose of nostalgia in your local stores! Count Chocula, Franken Berry, Boo Berry and friends could be lurking around any corner!
More About Garrett Sawaia
A lifelong pop culture enthusiast, Garrett’s interests span the realms of movies, memorabilia, alternative movie posters, physical media and much more! If you are into heaping helping of nostalgia with a focus on the 80s and 90s, he’s the guy you want in your corner!
In addition to his work as a pop culture aficianado, Garrett is a professional personal trainer and fitness coach. Garrett holds a variety of professional certifications, including ACSM-CPT; PPSC; CFSC ; CPPS ; NASM-FNS.
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Jason Price founded the mighty Icon Vs. Icon more than a decade ago. Along the way, he’s assembled an amazing group of like-minded individuals to spread the word on some of the most unique people and projects on the pop culture landscape.