Icon Vs. Icon recently joined forces with Garett Sawaia’s Born 2 Be Rad Channel to shine a light on some of the most unique releases in the world of retro! As we all begin to gear up for the spookiest of seasons, Garrett Sawaia offers an inside look at Trick or Treat Studios’ recently released ‘Halloween Kills’ Michael Myers mask from Spirit of Halloween. Check it out below and be sure to subscribe to the channel! Most importantly, STAY RAD!
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TikTok: @Born2beRad
More About Garrett Sawaia
A lifelong pop culture enthusiast, Garrett’s interests span the realms of movies, memorabilia, alternative movie posters, physical media and much more! If you are into heaping helping of nostalgia with a focus on the 80s and 90s, he’s the guy you want in your corner!
In addition to his work as a pop culture aficianado, Garrett is a professional personal trainer and fitness coach. Garrett holds a variety of professional certifications, including ACSM-CPT; PPSC; CFSC ; CPPS ; NASM-FNS.
For Virtual Fitness Training or Online Coaching inquires, check out www.gpscoaching.net.

Jason Price founded the mighty Icon Vs. Icon more than a decade ago. Along the way, he’s assembled an amazing group of like-minded individuals to spread the word on some of the most unique people and projects on the pop culture landscape.