It’s no secret that the past year and a half have been nothing short of a roller coaster ride for people around the globe. As we slowly emerge from the worldwide pandemic, it’s been amazing to see all the art born out of this unique period in history. Pop icon Corey Feldman is just one of the artists who has put their pandemic downtime to good use. In addition to the 2020 launch of his eye-opening documentary film, ‘(My) Truth: The Rape of 2 Coreys’, he has remained laser-focused when it comes to bringing his next musical endeavors to the masses.
In a detailed message to his fans, Feldman has revealed his plans for the next 6 months of creative output. His current course has him set to finish his long-awaited box set (which will feature a plethora of recently unearthed material), a new studio album, an epic 50th Birthday celebration and much more! You won’t have to wait too long to see the results of his hard work, as he plans to hit us with new content in the coming weeks!
Check out Corey’s message to his fans below and stay tuned to Corey Feldman’s official Twitter account, Instagram account and his official website,, for further details.
Good Evening, #FELDFANS, #FELDFRIENDS, & #FELDFOLLOWERS collectively known as #FELDFAM. Finally and without further delay, I have a ton of Exciting announcements & a Birdseye view of EVERYTHING U can expect from me in the next 6 Months.
1st off, I know many of U R anxiously awaiting my NEW VINYL EP #LOVERETURNS which should be hitting your mailboxes in the next 2-3 weeks. And additionally I should have around 50 copies I bought back from the Indy group that grabbed a large swath of the 200 #LIMITEDEDITION ALBUMS. So U should check on COREYFELDMAN.NET regularly as U never know when they will pop up.
As many of U know I have been hard at work on multiple projects since the release of my documentary last year. In fact about 3 years ago I started the process of transferring my old 3 inch Ampex tapes into a digital format, w the help of Iconic Rocker #DONDOKKEN. That process lead me 2 discovering many songs in my library that had never been finished or released dating back 2 my earliest recordings in 1986.
That laborious process turned n2 the MASSIVE project I am currently completing called #LOVELEFT2_1 or LOVE LEFT 2.1 Which will be my 1st ever #BOXSET & will include a #REMIXED #REMASTERED & in some cases #REIMAGINED versions of my entire 1st album #LOVELEFT. While digging through my vaults I managed 2 find lost recordings, including a music video 4 my 1st recording called #RUNAWAY both will be featured in the new set.
Additionally we will be including tons or #RARITIES including songs from my famous film soundtracks that were never made available 4 release, as well as unseen #LIVE concert footage & rare TV appearances, plus unreleased #DEMOS & alternative versions of some of my early staple songs, many of U already know & #LOVE.
The Box was originally planned 2 B released this summer, but sadly due 2 #COVID & other delays beyond my control including the fact that I just signed a new Record Deal, w @COSMICWIRE which will now partner w #CIFIRECORDS on this release it will be a bit longer of a wait.
I also told U a #BRANDNEWSTUDIOALBUM was in the works & would be included as part of the Box. That is still the plan. However sadly it seems both the #BOXSET & new album will be delayed until Christmastime. However that doesn’t mean U will havta wait that long 2 hear some #NEWMUSIC! In fact, I am planning on dropping a Brand New Single in the coming weeks. In fact my plan is 2 release several new singles (that may or may not be a part of #LOVELEFT2_1) between now & Christmas.
Additionally I know many of U have been waiting as patiently as possible 2 hear about my Bday plans. As most of U know, every yr 4 the past 30 yrs, I hav thrown an #EPIC #BDAYBASH & #BDAYCONCERT & this yr happens 2 B a VERY SPECIAL BDAY YR. as I will be celebrating my 5.0 BDAY.
So with that in mind I wanted 2 make sure this Yrs event is #MAGICAL. There4, I am pleased 2 announce I am working on not just 1, but 2 EPIC events 4 my 5.0. As 1 of these events will be a Family & Friends type BDAY party, while the other will be a Private event that will be broadcast across the world, so Every1 can be a part of it even if by VR Tech. However lucky 4 U, my dearest fans, I will be having some upcoming #CONTESTS 2 give a Few Lucky #FELDFAM members the opportunity 2 join us in person @ Both Events.
I will have more info on specifics about these events in the coming days. So please bear with us as we get it all together.
But that’s not all……so in accordance with celebrating the half way marker in my life, & given the fact that I am shifting gears in my life & career, I felt it was healthiest 2 start letting go of the past with #LOVE. So in addition 2 all the #AMAZING discoveries U will find as part of the #BOXSET…. that will only be the tip of the iceberg. As I will also be excavating my entire #HISTORY of #MEMORABILIA & #SOUVENIRS that I have held on 2 from my entire life’s work and exciting personal journey.
I wanted 2 figure out the best way 2 #CELEBRATE my past, while simultaneously putting it behind me, & somehow sharing it w all of U. The way that is going 2 happen, will be via my soon 2 B opened #NFTSTORE!
Within the coming weeks I will be launching this brand new store, which will give all of U the opportunity 2 OWN a piece of my Film & Television History, as well as a big piece of my personal collection. I will be creating a series of #NFTs which will be 1 of a kind, & Unique, as well as selling actual physical items from the collection.
2 LAUNCH this entire vast collection, I will be starting with an Homage 2 1 of my Favorite #CLASSICFILMS in my library of work, which happens 2 also B celebrating a Very Special Anniversary this Yr. So in the coming days U will be hearing another BIG ANNOUNCEMENT about the #STANDBYME35 #NFTSTORE SURPRISES. I promise U that behind the gates of this new Virtual Store, U will be Amazed @ the items U will hav access 2 4 the 1st time ever.
And……if all that wasn’t enough, I will tell U that this whole launch which will roll out over the next 6 months, bit by bit, will also be laden with #FANCONTESTS & rare Opportunities 2 bring U all n2 my world in a technologically innovative & artistically imaginative way.
So I hope that wets your appetite….I’m sorry I can’t give specific dates on the release of ANYTHING just yet…BUT….now U know how much I have coming this Summer, Fall & Winter. And I assure U there’s more than U can imagine, & the items we release will literally blow your minds! It’s going 2 B a Very EXCITING SUMMER!
So expect the 1st drop of info , along w the 1st Contest 2 be coming any day now. And until then, BUCKLE UP, & prepare 4 the #SUMMEROFLOVE & as always…..#STAYTUNED
God Bless us all!

Jason Price founded the mighty Icon Vs. Icon more than a decade ago. Along the way, he’s assembled an amazing group of like-minded individuals to spread the word on some of the most unique people and projects on the pop culture landscape.