In a year filled with unexpected twists and turns, Sevendust stickman Morgan Rose has announced his debut solo release. Controlled Chaos, out everywhere on November 27th via Rise Records, shines the spotlight not only on Morgan’s drumming prowess, but his songwriting, singing, and production chops as well. Morgan co-wrote the EP with Sevendust bandmate Clint Lowery, and the lyric video for Morgan’s first single “The Answer” is available today at Controlled Chaos is available for pre-order at
With 2020 being a year of transition for so many, Morgan took the newly found time he was given, and decided it was time explore ideas of growth and change. With Clint on guitar and Jason Christopher [Corey Taylor, Prong] on bass, Morgan tracked six songs in less than ten days at The Lair in Culver City, CA. Fans of Morgan’s main gig will be pleasantly surprised at the different shades presented on Controlled Chaos, as the EP presents a varied musical blueprint on the legendary drummer. Morgan sounds equally at home singing with a keyboard and orchestral accompaniment as he does belting out his trademark primal screams in a full band setting. The EP’s first single “The Answer,” available today, is a bombastic introduction to the EP, taking a page from Sevendust’s penchant for thick guitars, up-tempo rhythms, and gritty yet melodious vocals.
Controlled Chaos Track List:
1. Intro
2. The Answer
3. Faster Man
4. Clarity
5. Come Alive
6. Exhale
About Morgan Rose
Morgan Rose began his career over 25 years ago as a founding member of the Atlanta-based metal band, Sevendust. Morgan’s stickwork with the band has been nationally recognized, being named the number one metal drummer by Modern Drummer Magazine, as well as one of the top 100 drummers of all time by Drum magazine, Hit Parader, and Drummerworld. Rose, in addition to his work with Sevendust, is known for his contributions to projects Call Me No One with Clint Lowery of Sevendust and Methods of Mayhem with Tommy Lee of Mötley Crüe. With an impressive 3 million albums sold, Rose has proved a powerhouse alongside Sevendust, helping the band earn four RIAA gold-certified albums. Following in his own success, Morgan has branched out with his highly anticipated solo EP Controlled Chaos, available everywhere on November 27th.
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