We all have that music we want to just share with the world. Those artists that we hold near and dear to us. You enjoy pretty much everything in their catalogue. Honestly, that’s what Twiztid is to me. I’ve been pretty outspoken about my history with the duo but here’s a refresher.
In October of 2003, I was roaming a Best Buy in Glen Burnie, MD. I was 11 years old at the time and fascinated by horror and all things spooky. While roaming the aisles I came across this album cover that would change my life forever. This grotesque picture of two faces sewn together. Besides the Backyard Wrestling video game, this was my first experience with Twiztid and the Juggalo subculture. On that day I bought that album, along with ICP’s The Great Milenko. They changed my life forever. I was entranced in this brand-new subculture that I wanted to surround my entire life with.
Now, 17 years later my listening habits are a bit different, but one thing never changed: Twiztid. Regardless of the avenues they chose and the musical choices they made, I continued to always find something to appreciate. They’re two artists that I wish I could get everyone to experience. I just want to say, “Hey! Get rid of your preconceived notions, and check these dudes out. They’re incredible!” Hopefully, regardless of how you feel, after reading this interview you’ll get a chance to experience the freshness.
Having recently dropped a collection of Halloween tracks, “Songs of Samhain” and getting ready for the upcoming “Welcome to the Freek Show” virtual experience, the duo is pretty much on top of the world. I’m grateful to have gotten a chance to chat with one half of the group, Jamie Madrox. What followed was an hour long video chat with one of the most genuine people I’ve had a chance to speak with. We chat the past, the present, and what’s to come. Join me as I take you on this wondrous journey.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am here with an absolute legend. Killin’ the game for almost three decades. From House of Krazees to Twiztid to Dark Lotus to the Rydas to Triple Threat to the most recent crew Venomous 5 with Alla Xul Elu, not to mention the creation of the powerhouse that is Majik Ninja Entertainment in 2014. One half of the demented duo, Twiztid, Jamie Madrox how are you doing on this brisk fall evening?
I’m doing wonderful man, thank you for taking the time to talk to me. That was a very prestigious introduction, I appreciate it greatly, and it sounds like a lot of shit when you say it like that. It’s like ahhh, thank you man, that’s great. It’s been a fun ride, and it’s still fun so that’s a good deal!
For the section of our audience that may be unfamiliar, and they need to get familiar, could you give us a little background on your history in music. How did music first come into your life and begin to take hold? Tell us about the early years of Madrox.
I used to always love…had an obsession with Kiss records. I want to say it was because it was MY first music. You know what I mean? I mean I listened to shit that my parents would play. But it was like, we went to a record store and they were like, “what record do you wanna buy Jamie?” I said, “That one!” and I pointed to Rock and Roll Over. I’m like, that’s my jam! That kind of opened me up to this world of music. Mind you, I was a kid. It was different times and I had no idea that every song was singing about sex and all this craziness, but I loved it. I loved the energy and I loved the idea that these guys were bigger than life. They were like these images; in some sense they were these fucking super heroes. But they were cool. That and the connection to comic books, it had a real effect on me. I had like the Kiss record player, the Mego Dolls, and the whole nine. So, this laid the ground work for me to be like this is a really cool thing. Then we segue into hair metal like RATT, Cinderella, the album Shout at the Devil, and Twisted Sister, god bless Dee Snider! I enter into that phase of music and that’s when I came across Paul (Monoxide) and Bryan (The R.O.C.) of House of Krazees fame. We at that point kind of trade music. Like, I’ll show you this…I’ll put you up on this band Cinderella and they play me Run DMC, and I’m like, “What is this?” And then they’re like, “oh, this is dope! Check this out!” I remember this as like the first step of building what was organic between us, like we all had a love for the same shit. We would take the bus to go pick up AmeriKKKa’s Most Wanted on cassette! Yes, I’m dating it with a CASSETTE! It’s real, that shits real! Those are some of the greatest times in music for me. That definitely laid the bricks in the road that I’m walking, man.
Definitely, and I think your experience with that Kiss record is what a lot of your fans experienced seeing your guys’ albums out in the stores for the first time. Of course, when you could go to a store and buy an album.
I’d like to think that, ya know? It’s a cool concept to be somebody’s something. Whatever it is. Whether it’s your reason for getting through the day, the people saying, “your music saved me.” Whatever it may be. To be anybody’s anything is just a blessing. Just to be included. There are a lot of seconds in a day and to have any of those as someone’s attention is important.
Speaking of that, we chatted a bit about this beforehand. About 20 years ago, I was roaming the aisles of a Best Buy outside of Baltimore with my family. I saw an album cover that would unknowingly change my life. That, of course, was the face of two ghouls sewn together. Being brought up on horror I didn’t know what this was, but I knew I had to have it. This was Freek Show, your second full length as a duo with Paul (Monoxide). It now being 20 years old, take me back to that release? How were you two feeling at that time?
At the time it was a big deal for us because it was OUR record. When we came in with Mostasteless, the original version, the hoodie cover, it was like the raw version of me and Paul. Then, obviously, the reissue was when we sat in the studio with Violent J (Insane Clown Posse) and he helped us craft what would become some of the groundwork of where we would go. But Freek Show was the first time where you’re in the studio on your own. I was just telling this story the other day, but it was a situation where at one-point Violent J came to check on us in the studio. And I don’t think it was in anyway malicious, I think it was just like he wants to pop in and see that his money’s not going to waste. Make sure these motherfuckers ain’t in here just blowin no weed and wasting time. But he came in and got his wig flipped. He was like holy shit and right then called Mike Clark (producer) to tell him he needed to come up there and listen to it. Like, that feeling, that feeling that maybe in that moment we went from Padawans to real Jedis. Like we were worthy enough to drive our own ship. Having his, kind of, non-consenting consent meant everything. It was his seal of approval. It was like your dad being like, “good job!” That kind of feeling was good and it kind of changed shit for us. It gave us a sense of confidence. And what I’ve noticed a lot of times is that confidence is key. Having it, knowing you have it, knowing that you’re doing something right, and that people get you, brings out more in you! So, yeah man, we were on top of the fucking world is where we were 20 years ago! Ready to legitimately just unleash everything we had. Looking back on it, it’s some of people’s main thing. I’ve seen gigantic back pieces and tattoos and stories. The tours and the concerts, it was the first time we got in a tour bus. Paul and I with 32 of our best friends went on a dedicated tour, like every night we’re gonna do the best show that we can. I don’t care if we die in this little rat/roach bar by killing ourselves because we’re wearing Halloween masks and heavy hoodie sweatshirts with axes, I don’t care. We’re gonna kill it! Hearing people tell us, just like you said, your stories of remembering where you were and when, and people’s stories of the concerts like “the shows were so awesome” or “I remember seeing you at this location and it’s a shame you don’t play here no more”, like it’s all part of the evolution of places we’ve been. It’s like that montage scene at the end of Halloween of all the shots of where they’ve been. Where have you been all night long! It’s a cool thing! I love it. I’m a perspective person who likes to look back and see. I would never change anything because then we wouldn’t be here today, you know what I mean? But good shit though, definitely a step up where you stop being at the kid’s table so to speak. Big boy pants, ya know?
There’s definite growth between Mostasteless and Freek Show. Mostasteless is dope for sure, but there’s definitely a growth and change between the two. Not only with you guys personally, but sonically there is so much genre-bending throughout the second record.
I think another thing about that is that that was the first time where we felt either comfortable enough or bold enough to take that kind of jump to do something different than per se the wheelhouse of keeping it “Mostasteless rap”, real rap oriented with maybe a guitar riff here and there. With Freek Show we were able to go out and really sing and showcase these other parts to show what we’re really into. If you look at it those were the building blocks of introducing Jamie and Paul to the world. Those were all stages of evolution of who we are and, more importantly, the people who we would come to be. It’s fresh! I’m telling you, it’s deep! I don’t want it to be deep, but I love that it is! It ain’t bullshit man, it’s good shit!
We talked about you guys at the top of the mountain at that point, and certainly a lot has changed over the past two decades. Not only with you guys, again, personally branching out onto your own venture but with the industry as a whole. As you guys approach each new project, whether it’s your own or one of your artists’, how does that differ in how you would’ve approached a project years ago?
Knowledge. Knowledge and perspective are everything. I think a lot of what we did is good to call on the job training. Like there is no better education system then “to do”. So I think us doing things, seeing what worked, and more importantly what didn’t work gives us a better perspective. For example, if one of our artists come to us and say, “Hey, I’m thinking about doing this and it kind of goes against the style or what I’m putting out there.” And we’ll ask, “Do you feel this shit? Do you feel it? Like, are you impressed by it? Are you proud of it?” They’ll say yeah, and I’ll be like, “Well what the fuck are you asking me for?” I feel like I’m able to say that because I felt that way about songs, ya know? Like, “Empty” or a song like that. If I wouldn’t have had the balls to do it it wouldn’t exist. So in doing that it might have led the foreground to “Circles”, ya know? Or other songs that got us along the way to “Rose Petal”. You know what I mean? So there’s a progression there and I would say that. I would say take those leaps and be bold. You only get one life. If the people are really supporters of you they will support you in your endeavors. I feel like you have a connection with what you do. So yeah man, a lot of things learned over time. Having a connection, being real with the people who listen to your music, and being thankful for their support. And that support is one thing that we’ve been blessed with. The fans and the perspective of the people. People are more proud of us, if that makes sense. Like some people could be like, “well they got toys, that’s stupid” but real fans of Jamie and Paul are like, “That’s awesome! To know that he collects toys and Paul loves Pops (Funko Pops), and now they’ve got their own stuff, man I’m proud of them.” Or, “They got their own tennis shoes?” to know that Monoxide is a sneakerhead and they have their own tennis shoes like “I’m proud of those guys.” We were the juggalos that made good. We were the juggalos that started on the other side of the barricade and ended up on stage. So I think that’s a big extension to the people, to the kids, ya know?
For sure, that connection is the most important thing an artist can have. Now, you mentioned “Rose Petal” so let’s talk about newer releases. You two are constantly dropping new music, you put out a collection of Halloween tracks this past Friday (10/9/20) and released the devastatingly good metal track “Rose Petal” the weekend prior. Even breaking into a little bit of rock radio which you guys got one of your first tastes with “Magic Spellz” off of Generation Nightmare. Is branching out into a broader audience the goal at this point or is it just a bonus as you guys continue to do your thing?
I think the same idea of what I would tell an artist on the label, to be bold and shoot big. So, are we going for a new audience? I feel it’s a disservice that there’s people on the face of the planet that don’t know who Twiztid is. I feel like it’s a disservice that there’s people on the face of the planet that don’t know who AC/DC is. I mean let’s be blatantly honest, there is a demographic of people who just do not know about the Juggalo culture, about ICP, Twiztid, Blaze, any of that stuff. I feel that any and every chance that we get to a platform I’m all about it. I like the idea that, again, we get to be bold and try new things and that it’s embraced. It’s not laughed at and joked upon. It’s embraced, like they’re adding it to active rock radio. Like, get the fuck out of here, really?! It’s fresh! It’s cool to know that it’s not falling on deaf ears. That it’s not for not, you know what I mean? It’s done because we want it. We want it like never before! We never stopped wanting it. I think that’s the real key to us. We’ve always wanted it and I think that we just want it more now than ever before because we see what’s out there and what’s happening. Like, we don’t feel that there’s anyone out there that wants it more than us. It’s to the point where we’re like, “Stop talking. Just let your products speak.” Like our products, our music, our apparel. It speaks volumes. I don’t have to blow smoke up your ass like, “Get it today! It’s got drawstrings and it’s really cool!” I don’t need to do all that shit. It speaks for itself. It’s cool to do that shit, because it’s organic and it’s real. But, I think at the end of the day I got tired of being that person who had to do this whole entire spiel to get something across. I feel comfortable now in the fact that we have people’s attention and they’re like, “Yeah man, keep doing what the fuck you’re doing. Stay in that lane and mashed the gas.” And that’s where we’re at. I’m proud of that shit, I really am. Like, I’m proud of what me and Paul have accomplished, and I think it’s only the beginning. I really do.
Of course, and I’ve never understood that mindset: that hipster mindset. “Oh this is mine, I don’t want other people to hear it.” You should want people to succeed! The people you enjoy, the people you love, you should want them to succeed.
Bro, you are so right. I can’t agree with that more! I think of it like this, if, and I’m not discrediting anything anyone has said to me but I can’t take everything as gospel, but if anyone of the people who have said to Paul and I, “your music saved my life” and they were absolutely genuine…no blowing smoke, it’s not just the hip, cool thing to say when you meet us, if you really meant that why would you not want us to save someone else’s life? Why would you not want us to be that crutch, that fill for the void, that vice for someone else who need us just as bad as you did? Wouldn’t that be selfish? You know what I mean? So, I agree with you. That whole hipster mindset of “this is mine”, I don’t agree with that. Like if you have the cure for cancer, share that shit. Share please. Because there are mad people that could use the cure for cancer, please share. So that’s how I think of it. And I’m not saying that our music is the cure for cancer because that would be fucking amazing! We would be way cooler than we are, but that said it might ease you in the mindset of preparing for cancer. Like whatever kind of place we can be to help you, that’s our fucking job. That’s what we signed up for. If we can be that release for you that is our job, and I don’t ever want to stop doing that.
Exactly. And taking that a little further, like you said, it is a disservice that there are people that don’t know the phenomenal music that’s out there, including you guys. So, honestly, putting this information further out there. What do you think is the biggest misconception about yourself and Twiztid?
To be honest, the biggest misconception is that we are ICP or that we are an extension of ICP. Our time there, running with that particular label, the legacy that we helped build, and that kind of a thing is something that we’re extremely proud of but much like other accomplishments there are other things in life we want to tackle. We don’t just want to be wrestlers, we want to be wrestlers and actors. We want to be wrestlers, actors, and singers. We want to be whatever the fuck we want to be and have the ability to take that and go forward with that. But I think that’s the biggest misconception, that we are them and they are us. That every single thing was/is shared down the middle and that’s just not the case. I’ve met people that thought that…just yeah, it’s not the case. I think that’s the biggest misconception, and to know us really, people wouldn’t say that. Like, if you really knew us as people you’d be like, “That’s not them, you have no idea who Jamie and Paul are. They just love what they do and they love that people love it. They just want to do it more. They’re not interested in the politics of this, that, or the other.” It’s all about growing, future-wise and taking control of your own destiny. That should never be a bad thing. I would want any and all of my artists to do that. You know what I mean? If ever there was a chance for you to grow and evolve into the next phase of your life, take that jump. Real friends will be in your sidecar. Real talk.
Let’s get into some fun shit! So you guys have always had an eclectic sound, always pulling from different genres. There’s always at least one track on every album, usually multiple that pull away from that “hip hop” sound. Then you delve into the covers, most recently with Jimmy Urine (Mindless Self Indulgence) for “Hungry Like a Wolf”. What has led you guys to doing these covers that may be considered off the wall by bystanders?
I think another misconception is the realness of who we are. It’s not a joke, but it’s an inside thing that I absolute love Duran Duran. I have always loved Duran Duran. We have talked seminars from Gatherings I can’t tell you how many years. “If you could ever record another cover song, what would it be?” I will always say Duran Duran. Duran Duran or Huey Lewis & the News. They would be like, “Get the fuck out of here. No way!” And I just like what I like. I don’t care, that’s the difference between me and a lot of other people. I’m not embarrassed of what I like. I like what I like, and if you like individuality, you respect it. That’s just how it is. But I love that, that’s what’s different. A lot of people wouldn’t pick the song they like over the song that would get traction. When it is obscure like that, I usually think like, “oh, this was their favorite song.” Like, this had to be someone’s favorite song in the band. It’s so obscure, why wouldn’t it be? Ya know? When I said that to Jimmy he was just like, I’m down. It was cool man, and it just happened. It was really cool to do that too because we have history with them. Like 20, 25 years ago we went on tour with them as they were a young MSI and it was crazy dude. I remember their bass player getting hit in the head with a fucking roll of quarters, hit the ground, and they never missed a beat. I was like, they are the epitome of everything energy. I love their vibe. Just good people man, all around.
I feel that and I love that fact that you bring the things you’re a fan of into your work. I’m right there with you, old 80’s synthpop and post punk shit is my jam. The Cure, one of my favorite bands of all time. That’s what I need, I need to hear a Twiztid-Cure cover.
Ooooooh, that would be dope! “Mixed Up” or something cool! I could get into that. Truthfully what would go over probably better with Paul would be the, I can’t remember the name of it, but the Crow song. The one that goes “Paint your face the shadows smile”!
Fuck yeah! I love that. That’s the shit! But yeah man, we’re all about that. We just like to have fun. I think that’s what a lot of people lose in the sauce. I think there’s a lot of fake, and that’s coming from a guy who paints his face and wears contacts. Now we have our personas and our gimmicks, but there’s a lot of fake people who are too cool to say thank you! Are too cool to say we appreciate you. To go through an entire feed and answer everybody’s questions. Not just the negative ones, but the people who say, “Hey man I love you, man. I’ve been on this fucking message board ten times. I love you dude!” and just being like, “Hey man, love you too!”. It’s like, something needs to be said about that. It doesn’t always have to be negative. There can be positive in it and I think that’s the part I mean about being fake. Everyone’s just like Johnny Badass, “I’m too cool. Cool people can’t do this. I have to be fashionably late.” Get the fuck outta here with that dude. You could be changing alternators. You better be happy with what the fuck you get to do for a living. Whatever man. It’s all perspective, brother. It’s all perspective.
I mentioned the recent release of the Halloween song collection, “Songs of Samhein”. There are some great spooky bangers on there. “9lb Hammer”, “Die on Samhein” holy shit. Talk to me about this collection. Was this always in the works or something that came together as a gift to the fans for the holiday?
A lot more Column B than Column A. Yeah, a gift to the fans for the holiday. First of all, we knew that with the pandemic being the way that it was and when “Mad Season” dropped it was really weird. Most labels were shutting down with the pandemic which in a sense cripple artists. Because when you look to that major label for funding or however it is you get your music out, that’s the beauty of being independent. Nothing stopped the beat for us. So, we had intentions to do Halloween music but I think what happened was that when we were recording our rap record that’s coming out next there was a song or two that was just not fitting the vibe. Songs that felt very Halloween-esque that we would just kinda put back. But honestly there’s more fun stuff coming too. There are two more songs that no one has ever heard that we’re gonna give away on Devil’s Night and Halloween because we give a fuck, you know what I mean? You can’t have enough music because I know the day was bad for you and you need a smile on your goddamn face. We can’t have enough. So, we have more shit coming and I like the idea to break it up as well too. We’ve been working on a rap record, a rock record, and the Halloween one was kinda more like the “wicked”. It’s a throwback too, ya know, in case you’ve been wanting that kind of vibe and shit like that. It’s been a growing process, it’s been a lot of things, but we are conscious to trying to make everyone happy as well as making ourselves happy. I love the songs on there. I think the pairings of the House of Krazees shit is just so weird. Bryan, R.O.C. fucking coming back and doing the production it just gives it this gritty ass sound. In some senses when I listen to the songs it just feels like, man this should be a cassette. I should hear that little crackle shit in the background. It has that feeling to it. So, I feel like, even if it is eighty thousand years later those vampires still look pretty fucking dope and they sound kickass. So, I’m proud. I think it’s fresh, I think it’s really cool. I gave it to Matt Nips the other day and he was like, “so what song should I play first?” I said push play, and let the whole thing play. It’s an experience, it’s fun, and we haven’t done anything like this in a while. I think it’s a throwback to a lot of things. It’s real grassroots for Twiztid. This holiday is like Christmas to us man so it’s the perfect time!
Speaking of the season, let’s take a break from that and talk horror as I know we are both huge fans of. What was your earliest experience with the genre?
I think I seen, I probably shouldn’t have, but I’d seen too much of “Last House on the Left” early on. I don’t think I understood what was happening, like I had no premise or anything like that, but I’d seen that. That might’ve been my first exposure to anything that was that gritty or dirty. I remember John Carpenter said that watching that was like a fucking cup of coffee, it just opens you up. Wide-eyed, you’re just taking in all this shit. But, I was a big creature feature dude. So, I would hang out with my grandpa and my dad and we would watch the whole TV20 deal where they would take the old Bela Lugosi and shit like that, chop them up and do this whole Led Zeppelin tape shit. If I find the clip I’ll fucking send it to you it’s fucking amazing. It was this clip from Led Zeppelin and they used it in this commercial for this creature feature and it was just great. It was just something that we looked forward to. That kind of segued into the whole thing of VHS for me, the Blockbuster phase. All of that. That is where truly, I believe, House of Krazees was born. In the horror aisle of Blockbuster. We would go down that and we had to methodically watch every one of the movies. We had to figure out why they were what they were and they were like releases to us. I think that all of us coming together and having that thing that we all enjoyed and finding out that we all liked rap music and bringing the team together was magic. It felt like it was ahead of its time because literally the only other person who was doing anything like that at the time would’ve been ICP or Esham or the Geto Boys, but it was a different style. I think that and the availability to be able to say, “I like this” and other people like it to. It’s funny because our manager was listening to one of the earlier records and was like, “You were really heavy handed on those samples.” Like, yeah man! I mean, fucking listen to “La Sexorcisto” bro! He just went a little more obscure but it’s heavy latent in there ya know? It was a way of bringing something that we liked into something that we wanted others to like. I think through that we found the original culmination of what would be Twiztid. Also, “Evil Dead” was probably one of our favorites. Actually, “Evil Dead 2” really is the best because it’s the same movie but better. Then we would just cite the quotes to each other. Like we knew the movies like songs. We wouldn’t even look at the screen and we could just say the dialogue to each other like a bunch of nerds. That was our thing then we found Nintendo. Then there was that and then that was our thing. It’s just this crazy adventure man and we’re still doing it. I think that’s the coolest part of all of it.
Is there a horror flick that you absolutely love that either gets hate or just isn’t known as well as you wished it was?
I would say “Dead End” probably. I’ve said this a couple of times before and it still doesn’t get any love! It’s got Ray Wise and Lin Shaye, both incredible people and sweethearts. Both of those people are playing a mother and father, and they’re driving with their kids in the back of this car on this long Christmas trip. It’s the weirdest movie. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone in case they do want to go find it. But, it’s just so weird and at the end of the movie you’re like, “What the fuck just happened?” I don’t think it gets enough love. I think that it’s really cool and the fact that it’s got that, I would say star studded cast is great. The movie itself is just really cool. The only other one I would say, besides that is probably “Amityville II: The Possession”. That is one of our personal favorite movies and all of the surrounding shit with it. I know it’s all about George and Kathy Lutz, but I like the idea of the DeFeos and how their story played into it. Even all these years later I despise the fact that I kind of think it might have been bullshit now. Because I was a real big like…there’s not a documentary I haven’t seen. We would go on the road and I would just sit in the hotel room watching all these Amityville documentaries because I just loved Ed and Lorraine Warren. I think they’re the shit and the fact that there is a whole “Conjuring” movie kind of…eh…premisely based on the story at least the beginning is cool. But yeah man, good shit. I love it!
Me too, man. Now, unfortunately I feel like we’re all living in our own personal horror movie with the pandemic. But, it’s led to the rise of concert streaming. Over the summer you guys had Netfest which went off without a hitch. An incredible online underground music festival that just brought so many people together. You’re about to perform the entire “Freek Show” album at the “Welcome to the Freek Show” experience. Prior to the pandemic were there other plans to celebrate the album turning 20? Perhaps a tour?
There were talks at one point about doing a small run of select shows. Like not necessarily a full tour. When we were talking about it we were talking about flying to places. Really select and it was peppered out around. Then everything happened the way that it did. After seeing how Netfest worked, which shout out to our team for fucking giving a fuck and holding it down, they did a wonderful job. That kind of laid the groundwork for us saying we should do more stuff like this. I’m hoping that what we’re doing for the Freek Show experience in some strange way sets a trend. Even within just the stuff we do. I hope it kind of brings about a trend of more albums getting, what I believe, is just dues for videos. If you look at it, and Freek Show being as iconic as it is, literally you have “We Don’t Die”. That’s it, that is the video run. I mean I guess you could count “Born Twiztid”, you could arguably count that as some sort of a visual whatever. But nothing for actual songs from the record. Then you start recording these videos and watching them in long play and it’s fucking amazing. It’s something that I think could happen for more records and I actually hope that we do…do that. I don’t want to say do do…but I hope we DO DO THAT! There’s a lot of really cool other records like, for example, Green Book and some other ones that are like in our personal opinion, top shelf. Abominationz being another. These albums that…never…really…had…a…video…hmmmmmmm. That’s peculiar… But you get what I’m saying though. I feel like some of these records deserve some visual goodness, and I want to do it sooner than later. If someone were to find those new records and they start reading this they’ll be like, “What the fuck is he talking about? I just heard of Mad Season. What the fuck is a Freek Show?” They go back and find it, and what a great way to find it! This new HD awesome visual experience! It’s the way we would’ve wanted to do it 20 years ago but didn’t have the power, the pull, and the paper!

Agreed, agreed, and it’s gonna be sick! So, I don’t want to take up too much more of your time but I have just a few more questions for you. This one, way out of left field. Along with Icon Vs. Icon, I have a Christmas podcast with my friend Matt Kelly called “Christmas 365”. In my opinion Christmas is the best time of year that’s not October. What is your all-time favorite Christmas song?
Awwww man. Ummm, it’s gotta be Vince Guaraldi from The Peanuts. I can’t think of the name of the song, but I believe it’s his take on “Winter Wonderland”, I think. But this is awesome. I appreciate you even more now, knowing that you’re like that. I thought I was the only weirdo because every now and again I’m driving and it just plays but I don’t turn it off. I just let it play because it makes me feel good. Right now we all need a little a little bit of that. It’ll just be like, the piano kicks in, and I’m like “awwwww”. Like, give me second, and the serial killer drops the axe and breathes. If just for two seconds haha, you know what I mean? Then you can pick it right back up and go back to watching Death Rise or whatever. But yeah man, I love that. Actually that whole entire Christmas record that also has the “Pumpkin Waltz” from The Great Pumpkin. I am the biggest fan of just him and his work. I also just discovered Les Baxter, very much like Star Trekky background music. I tell my kids that I put it on so I can feel like I’m in a movie. They’re just like, “what the fuck is happening?!” It’s great!
I mean taking it back to doing things that make you feel good man, people who were in July like, “man I’m ready for Halloween” always have the detractors like “it’s too early!” Na man, fuck that. Let them enjoy what they want to enjoy.
For real, for real man. Absolutely. We were on some like, October 1st was Halloween Eve! We’re just riding it out. I’ve been real way ahead of the schedule and I’m sure I’ll be like that with Christmas too. Like the midnight of the 31st I’ll probably be putting my tree up just to keep that morale going. It’s the little things, it really is that keep it pushing. They add that normalcy in this absolutely abnormal time.
I feel that! I always do a double feature on October 31st of “Trick R Treat” and “Krampus”.
Now that’s awesome! I love “Trick R Treat” man, that movie is great. That’s another one that was originally slept on but I feel it’s finally getting it’s just dues. It’s starting to become that iconic movie. But, yeah man, “Krampus” too. Good call, man! Those are good movies. Hell yeah. I’m with that, I could do that. Couple doobies and some eggnog, yeah man! That sounds like a fucking party! Haha!
Wait, so we mentioned “Trick R Treat” but are you familiar with “Trick or Treat” with rock’s chosen warrior, Sammi Curr. It’s got Gene Simmons and Ozzy. That’s one of my personal favorites. That’s my answer to the movie I wish more people knew about!
Oh my god! YOU wish they knew about it but all them people in that movie are happy that all of those people forgot about it. They’re just like, “Please, God, never see this!” That’s insane, isn’t that the one where the guy has got the guitar and he’s killing people.
Sammi Curr!
Hahaha. It’s been too long! Now I’m gonna revisit it because of you. I’m revisiting that one, it’s been way too long.
If you don’t watch the movie, at least listen to the soundtrack by Fastway. Perfect Hair Metal! You’d be into it for sure, I can tell.
I love it! That’s my shit dude, I am all about that shit!
So you and Monoxide have been in the industry since 92, been Twiztid since 97. Over the past three decades, we’re getting a little deep now, what has been your milestone? The thing you are most proud of?
Becoming a father is at the very top of my list, as a personal milestone. As Twiztid, the milestone is the fact that we still get to do it. For every time someone was like, “your dumb drawings” or “your dumb music”, I mean who really got the last laugh? Paul and I are still doing this! Still happy doing it. So I would say that’s the milestone, to be able to still be reinventing ourselves and still be relevant in a time where so many others are not. I have to say, on a personal level another top five would be the toys and the comic book, I mean come on. From a nerdy heart, it’s like even my kids are like, “that’s cool as shit!” Knowing how much you love toys and comic books, then knowing you’re in a comic book…I just look at them and say, “This is only the start! You just wait until we’re a cartoon series!!!” They’re like, “Oh god, you’re insane” and I’m just like, “You know it!” That’s who I am. That’s what’s up man. We don’t ever want to stop. We just want to keep doing the awesome shit.
Last question, what advice would you give to anyone trying to make it as a recording artist in 2020?
Don’t drink your own Kool-Aid. Be true, and grateful to those who give you their time. That is something that is priceless. I’ve seen so many web ads and so many paid for advertisements that say “Listen to my new CD” and whatever, and to see someone just go for it because they love it. That shit is priceless. Humble over hot air. DON’T TALK SHIT, BE THE SHIT! That’s what I say.
Perfect sentiment. I don’t think we could have ended it any better than that! Thank you so much for your time. “Welcome to the Freek Show” Experience is happening October 30th. New music is dropping constantly on all streaming outlets and available for purchase at mnestore.com. Hopefully in the near future we’ll be able to see each other live in person.
Let’s get it man, we’ll chat horror and a whole bunch of shit. Thanks for having me, brother!
You can and should check out all of Twiztid’s music on all major streaming platforms and mnestore.com. Visit their official website at www.twiztid.com and follow their adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Obsessed with all things horror, video games, comics and vinyl, Dylan has been surrounded by all things geek culture since birth. Along with writing for Icon Versus Icon he’s also the co-host for the year long Christmas podcast, “Christmas 365”.
“No wimps. No False Metal.”