Exciting news for dedicated fans of the 80s cult classic, The Monster Squad! Gravitas Ventures, a Red Arrow Studios company, has acquired North American rights to distribute Wolfman’s Got Nards, directed by Andre Gower and produced by Lionsgate’s Pilgrim Media Group and Fitterpiper Entertainment.
The documentary features Fred Dekker, Shane Black, Seth Green, Andre Gower, Ryan Lambert, Ashley Bank, Adam F. Goldberg, Heather Langenkamp, Chuck Russell, Adam Green, Joe Lynch and many more. Wolfman’s Got Nards will be released on demand on October 27th, 2020.
When it was released in 1987, The Monster Squad was deemed a film no one cared much about but over the last three decades, word of mouth has turned this sleeper hit into a cultural phenomenon.
Wolfman’s Got Nards explores the relationship a dedicated audience (including celebrities and filmmakers) has with The Monster Squad. This documentary takes an in-depth look into the film’s conception, response, cult status and revival.
Through interviews with the cast, crew, screenwriters, directors, academics and original reviewers as well as through never-before-seen footage, it turns the lens on an audience of self-proclaimed misfits who have kept The Monster Squadalive for more than 30 years.
“This documentary was a special project to work on and I can’t wait to finally share it through this release,” said Andre Gower. “Working with Gravitas Ventures creates a unique opportunity for the film to reach not only our awesome Monster Squad fans, but also find new audiences that will enjoy this passionate in-depth look at how people connect with film and how it can shape their lives.”
“Andre’s film is a hilarious and heartfelt tribute that will scratch the nostalgia itch for longtime fans, and expose a new generation to this cult classic,” said Tony Piantedosi, Vice President of Acquisitions at Gravitas Ventures.
Gravitas Ventures’ Vice President of Acquisitions, Tony Piantedosi negotiated the deal with Endeavor Content.
Check out the official site for the documentary at www.thesquaddoc.com!
Official Synopsis: When it was released in 1987, The Monster Squad was deemed a failure by critics and was, according to the box office, a film no one cared about. But over the last three decades, word of mouth has turned this sleeping hit into a cultural phenomenon.Wolfman’s Got Nards explores the relationship a dedicated audience (including celebrities and filmmakers) has with The Monster Squad. This documentary takes an in-depth look into the film’s conception, response, cult status, and revival. Through interviews with the cast, crew, screenwriters, directors, academics and original reviewers as well as through never-before-seen footage, it turns the lens on an audience of self-proclaimed misfits who have kept The Monster Squad alive for more than 30 years.

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