DreamWorks Animation debuted the season two trailer for its critically-acclaimed Netflix original series She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. Executive produced by Noelle Stevenson, the series features Aimee Carrero (voice of Adora/She-Ra), AJ Michalka (voice of Catra), Marcus Scribner (voice of Bow), Karen Fukuhara (voice of Glimmer), Lauren Ash (voice of Scorpia) and Merit Leighton (voice of Frosta).
Firmly at the lead of the Princess Alliance, season 2 finds Adora embarking on a quest of self-discovery to learn more about her past and her future as She-Ra. With Catra rising the ranks of the Horde, the Rebellion must fight to thwart her next attack. The action-packed season two includes seven episodes and arrives on Netflix April 26.