Newly appointed detective Mike Keegan (Tom Berenger) finds his life turned upside-down when he’s assigned to protect Claire Gregory (Mimi Rogers), the beautiful eyewitness to a brutal murder. Lured into danger and the dizzying heights of Gregory’s glamorous lifestyle, Keegan struggles to walk the line between protection and obsession — while trying to stay one step ahead of the psychotic killer. Acclaimed director Ridley Scott paints an erotically seductive portrait of high-stakes suspense in America’s power playground in SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME.
Special Feature:
• New interviews with Writer Howard Franklin and Director of Photography Steven Poster.
1080p High-Definition Widescreen (1.85:1)/English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1/English SDH Subtitles/1987/Color/Approximate Feature Running Time +/- 106 Minutes. Rated R.