Corey Feldman, an iconic enigma of both film and music, has remained busy through four decades in the entertainment industry. Feldman, who serves as CHILD USA’s ambassador, is also equally known as an early vocal presence in the world of sexual abuse survivors, as one of the first whistle blowers on the topic of abuse at the hands of adults in power in the world of entertainment. Feldman will receive The Sean P. McIlmail Hero Award on Thursday, November 15th at 6:30 PM. CHILD USA’s second annual Awards Dinner will take place at Union Trust in Philadelphia, PA.
Corey will also discuss his upcoming documentary, which heavily features interviews with Marci Hamilton, founder of CHILD USA. Corey will give attendees an exclusive preview of what to expect from his upcoming film “Truth: The Rape of 2 Corey’s,” which details and exposes the trials and tribulations of growing up as a child in an industry riddled with pedophilia.
Tickets for this historic event cost $200 per person. Please visit event for more information, tables, sponsorship opportunities and to purchase tickets.