It’s that time of year again boys and girls! That’s right, it’s officially December which means the holiday season is upon us! Things have been nuts for IconVsIcon’s resident college kid but I just knew I had to get a “Pick of the Week” to you guys as we kick off the holidays!
My pick of the week for this week is for all you podcast listeners out there. It’s called the “Can’t Wait For Christmas Podcast” and it’s brought to you by a Californian comedian by the name of Tim Babb. Babb, much like myself, is a Christmas fanatic and he started up this podcast two years ago to keep the spirit alive all year long. You read that right! This podcast isn’t just a holiday special, every 25th of the month a new episode is released!
This podcast has everything! There’s a top 5 list, “5 Golden Things,” where Babb does a countdown on various Christmas items. There’s a segment titled, “We Need A Little Christmas Now”, where Tim gives us tips on how to celebrate everyday like it’s Christmas, and every episode is dedicated to a specific topic! For example, did you know “Jingle Bells” is actually a Thanksgiving song? I didn’t! At least not until I heard one of the earlier episodes.
I became familiar with this podcast around the 5th episode or so, and I knew I just wanted to share it as the season was approaching. It’s exactly what every holiday fan needs. Also, as a bonus, Tim likes to get his audience involved. This year, and I’m sure this will get our audience excited, we’ve spent the year debating whether or not “Die Hard” is a Christmas film. Be sure to go vote on their Facebook page now, and tune in on December 15th (special drop date for the holiday) to hear the results. I can’t express enough how much I love this podcast. It truly embodies the spirit year-round.
That about does it for this week. I know I’m swamped with final projects until the 6th but I hope everyone is getting into the spirit as the holidays are quickly approaching!
Check out the latest episodes of the “Can’t Wait For Christmas” podcast via it’s official website, Swing by the official Facebook page to give the show a well-deserved like at Subscribe via iTunes, Android and RSS.

Jason Price founded the mighty Icon Vs. Icon more than a decade ago. Along the way, he’s assembled an amazing group of like-minded individuals to spread the word on some of the most unique people and projects on the pop culture landscape.