From music, to literature and beyond, it seems there is nothing Lacey Sturm can’t do. She first appeared on our radar in 2002, co-founding Flyleaf and leading the rock band to international success as its front woman. The band’s single “All Around Me” went platinum, soaring to the Top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and earning recognition as an award-winning song at the 2009 BMI Pop Awards. “All Around Me” was one of many successful Flyleaf songs as numerous other singles landed on Billboard’s Alternative, Rock and Christian charts. Sturm left Flyleaf in 2012 to focus on a solo career and had success outside of the rock band, including performing on Third Day’s single “Born Again,” which received two Grammy nominations and on which Billboard acclaimed Sturm’s vocal performance to be “gorgeous.” Her song “Heavy Prey” featuring Geno Lenardo appeared on the soundtrack for the 2012 major motion picture “Underworld: Awakening.” Sturm continues musical success with her debut solo project “Life Screams,” hitting the No. 1 spot on Billboard’s Top Hard Rock Albums chart after its release earlier this year.
As a writer, her achievements are no less impressive! Her first book, “The Reason – How I Discovered a Life Worth Living” (2014), allowed her to share her uniquely personal story with the world. The tale detailed her journey along the rocky path that led her to the formation of Flyleaf, detailed of her struggles with the deepest depths of depression and her inspiring life-changing transformation. In the Fall of 2016, Lacey Sturm unleashed the latest chapter in her ever-growing story — “The Mystery: Finding True Love In A World Of Broken Lovers.” Through her raw and deeply moving stories, the book takes us on a unique and deeply personal soul-searching endeavor that leaves reader with new, eye-opening perspectives on love, life and interpersonal connections.
Jason Price of Icon Vs. Icon recently caught up with Lacey Sturm to discuss the challenges of bringing “The Mystery: Finding True Love In A World Of Broken Lovers,” along with what she learned about herself in the process. She also offers a look at some of the amazing organizations she partners with in bringing of bringing some much aid to those who are in need.
You released a new book called “The Mystery: Finding True Love In A World of Broken Lovers.” What inspired you to pen this book?
For me, personally, I went through some devastating things that almost took my life. When I came out of it, I had this crazy feeling that I wanted to help someone else to not have to go through a similar experience or to heal from something like what I went through. When we get through to the other side of some hard season, we either come out bitter or wiser and we can share what we went through to help someone. That was kind of the whole point of writing “The Mystery.” I wanted to be able to help someone else.
What did you learn about yourself through bringing this book to the masses?
I was super nervous because I felt really vulnerable. So far, I have had several people write me. I had a friend of mine who was in a marriage that survived an affair. I had asked him to read it, before the book came out, and afterwards he wrote me an email telling me everything the book helped teach him and helped heal in his heart. Every single thing that he brought up were things that I really wanted to come across. When he wrote me, I thought, “At least it has helped someone already.” I guess that was the biggest feeling of success, knowing that for the people that are searching for that kind of healing that there is a good chance that they can find it.

I’m sure, as a writer and musician, it isn’t easy to bare your soul for the world. What went into finding that strength to share your story?
I would say that I don’t feel like a singer and, even with this being my second book, that I don’t feel like a writer. I wrote the first book only a couple of years ago and it was such a new thing for me to do that. My husband keeps telling me I’m a writer! [laughs] But I don’t really feel like that. What I do feel like I can do is communicate something that is really loud in my heart. I just want to take it out of my heart and put it into yours and say, “Here!” [laughs] I don’t know the word to describe that but perhaps it is communicator. That is a new understanding for me that it’s not just music or writing, it is whatever the best medium for communicating what is going on in my heart. That is the goal to get a message across. The people who are looking for the message will find it! The people who like good music or a good story will like it too!
How did your first book, “The Reason,” impact your approach to the second book?
It made me feel less dependent. With the first book, an editor helped me through the whole process. With the second book, I didn’t have him help until the very end. I was nervous to do that but it taught me to trust myself a little more. That helped me to write more freely.
From what I read, this book wasn’t necessarily the book you intended to write when you started.
Yeah, that happened with “The Reason” too. I think that happens a lot of times. It is really good to have open hands when you go to your art, whatever it is, because there is an element beneath the surface that you don’t even tap into until you are in the middle of the writing or creating. You have to be open to hearing that voice and going along with the spirit beneath the surface.
Where do you see your journey as a communicator taking you? Are there plans for another book?
Yes! I was signed to this publishing deal for three books, so I definitely will be doing another book. I’m working on that was well. I’m not sure where it will go but I have learned in my life to really pay attention to the things that are stirring up in my soul and to say, “Maybe I should just try this and see what happens.” As I do, I have seen a lot of good things come out of it! I am open to wherever life will take me!
One thing we love about you is your support of great causes. What can you tell us about the RESET Movement, The Whosoevers and the other organizations you work alongside?
The RESET Movement is a faith-based movement to call people to reach out to God and ask for help to reset our lives, wherever we need a reset. It can be easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of all kinds of things from addiction, abusive relationships, self-loathing, depression, complacency and feeling empty or lost. What I have done with them is tell my story of how I was depressed and suicidal and had this encounter with God on the day I planned to commit suicide, when I didn’t even believe in God. It changed my perspective on who I am and my perspective on how I view people; that we weren’t just random mistakes or accidents that happened without any value or purpose. Now I view people as a loving God’s work of art. I honor and value every human, which is a different perspective. We are all created for amazing and glorious things. The same goes for The Whosoevers, which is a similar thing. It started with Sonny from P.O.D. and Brian “Head” Welch from Korn. Sonny has a story of being in a gang and his mom dying of cancer. On her deathbed, she said some things that really made him reach out to God. The same goes for Brian “Head” Welch, who struggled with addiction to crystal meth. He realized he needed to stay alive for his daughter and change his life. God miraculously intervened for him. Really, even though we talk about our faith a lot, I think no matter what faith or non-faith you have, it is not an invitation for solely a faith based audience. It is for everybody.
I went on a trip to Rwanda and Africa with World Vision and got to see the work they do there. They help sustain and rebuild communities that have been devastated by war or natural disasters. With Samaritan’s Purse, I got to go to Haiti after the earthquake and witness the devastation there. They are currently responding to Hurricane Matthew. I wanted to bring that up because it is really easy to give to those organizations, if you can’t go yourself. If you are thinking, “What can I do?” You can give 5 bucks, 10 bucks or 20 bucks. Anything you can do is helpful and it all adds up. I really wanted to bring that up because it is a heavy atmosphere right now with everybody going through so much!

You had a busy year with the book release and the release of your album “Life Screams.” While the album is still fresh, where are you in regard to new music?
We are always writing music. I’m not sure what is going on with us. We are seeing the response to the album and it’s been really, really great. We put out another single recently and a video for it. I think we will do at least one more single after this one and see what happens. We definitely have songs and we will keep writing!
A final question for you — What is the best lesson we can take from your journey?
I think I am just a normal girl who went through a lot of hard things and learned that if you can hang on and get to the other side of the rough times, suffering and pain, there are so many good things that can come out of the pain. I have learned that my life actually has value. As long as there is breath in my lungs, there is still purpose for me being alive. You are not guaranteed tomorrow, no one is, so if we get another day to breathe then we have something to be thankful for, some good we can give to make the world a better place. I believe that with all my heart!
Very well said! Thank you so much for your time today, Lacey! We thank you for all the good work you are doing and wish you continued you success! You’re truly an inspiration!
Thank you, Jason! It was a great interview! Talk to you soon!
Keep up with Lacey Sturm’s continuing adventures via her official website at “The Mystery: Finding True Love In A World Of Broken Lovers” is available now!

Jason Price founded the mighty Icon Vs. Icon more than a decade ago. Along the way, he’s assembled an amazing group of like-minded individuals to spread the word on some of the most unique people and projects on the pop culture landscape.