The surviving members of Stone Temple Pilots have paid tribute to former singer Scott Weiland in the form of a video where they spotlight one of Weiland’s most powerful, resounding vocal performances. Check it out below along with a statement from he band.
December 21, 2015
Recently the three of us sat down together to share our memories of Scott and take a moment to reflect on the amazing times we shared. We put the master up of a song called Atlanta from the No. 4 record that we feel really highlights the true brilliance of Scott. We would like to share it with you.
Together let’s honor Scott…Memories of Candles and Incense. Having the opportunity to listen to these tracks individually reveal the beauty of Scott’s lyrical and melodic gift. This is one of the many musical moments we shared together. It is in this way we would like to remember Scott.
Robert, Eric, Dean

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