It’s hard to believe that ‘The Texas Chain Saw Massacre’ has been around long enough to terrify four generations of moviegoers! Originally released in 1974, the film didn’t receive the warmest welcome from movie critics who deemed the film “grotesque” and “an abomination.” However, it is words like those that often fuel the curiosity of film fans! It didn’t take long before word of mouth and a terrifying trailer would capture the imagination of young people around the nation and made Leatherface a household name. The story for the film, written by director Tobe Hooper and Kim Henkel, focuses on five young people who set out for a weekend getaway. However, everything isn’t all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows as the group fall victim to a chain saw-wielding madman and his demented cannibalistic family in desolate Texas countryside.
Even 40 years after it’s release, ‘The Texas Chain Saw Massacre’ remains one of the scariest movies ever made. It was mind-blowingly unique for its time, and there’s still no other film quite like it today. This film is a gritty and raw with a documentary-like visuals which and a layer to the fear generated by watching it that is very tangible. One highlight of the film is the haunting performance delivered by the late Marilyn Burns; an genre defining performance that paved the way for the Scream Queens to come! To be totally honest, the film has never looked so good. Even though it was shot four decades ago, the transfer to Blu-ray has done this release wonders and breathed new life into it. In addition, the audio has been remixed in 7.1 surround sound.
The special features included on the set are a nice addition. The set features several commentary tracks including thoughts from director Tobe Hooper, cinematographer Daniel Pearl, production designer Robert Burns, Gunnar Hansen, Marilyn Burns, Allen Danziger and Paul Partain; which offer some incredible insights to the film. For those looking to delve even further into the film’s lore, there are two documentaries included; “Texas Chain Saw Massacre: The Shocking Truth” and “Flesh Wounds.” Whether you are a first time viewer or revisiting the classic flick, this release doesn’t disappoint.
In addition to the Collector’s Edition, there is also a mind-blowing Limited Deluxe “Black Maria” Edition of the film that is also available for superfans of the franchise! Take a look at the details at this location >
4k Digital Transfer, 7.1 Surround audio
Collector’s Edition Bonus Disc:
* The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Shocking Truth
* Flesh Wounds: Seven Stories of the Saw
* A Tour of the TCSM House with Gunnar Hansen
* Off the Hook with Teri McMinn
* The Business of Chain Saw: An Interview with Production Manager Ron Bozman
* New Deleted Scenes & Outtakes
* Grandpa’s Tales: An Interview with John Dugan
* Cutting Chain Saw: An Interview With Editor J. Larry Carroll
* Deleted Scenes & Outtakes
* Blooper Reel
* Outtakes from “The Shocking Truth”
* Horror’s Hallowed Grounds: TCSM
* Dr. W.E. Barnes Presents “Making Grandpa”
* Still Gallery
* 40th Anniversary Trailer
* Trailers
* TV Spots
* Radio Spots

Jason Price founded the mighty Icon Vs. Icon more than a decade ago. Along the way, he’s assembled an amazing group of like-minded individuals to spread the word on some of the most unique people and projects on the pop culture landscape.